The HLAS Newsletter
THEM on Amazon Prime
Horror at its best: cinematic terror that tells the story of true horror and trauma
The Doodler
Spring is here! You know what goes great with tulips, sunshine, lambs and bunnies? SERIAL KILLERS!
Irish Folklore
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! What a time to think about how much we miss being in bars!
Ghost Towns
Enjoy this spooky Wild West break
Ghostly White Ladies
Like many things, the way a culture treats the dead can tell you what it thinks about the living
The Big Four
Time flies when you’re not leaving the house and living in a heightened state of fear and loathing!
The Journey of Lincoln’s Body
Nothing says celebration like corpse capers, so I wrote a little summary about the travails of Abraham Lincoln’s. That’s right, his corpse.
Welcome to 2021
It’s time to combine post-holiday, seasonal, AND pandemic related depression into one giant FERAL SADNESS KRAKEN!
Lockdown for the Holidays
The holidays approacheth and many of us are on lockdown again
Merry Spooky Holidays
It’s officially Holiday Season which I promise you CAN be creepy
Welcome to the HLAS Newsletter
Welcome to my newsletter!