The Bones of Plymouth

My dearest dissenters: Happy Summer! Are you enjoying your allotment of one week of va/stay-cation? Did you pay $800 for a tank of gas to drive into the wilderness and roast hot dogs over a fire, or did you pay $8000 for a Southwest flight to the theme park of your...

Bluetooth Boos

My dearest safety coffin enthusiasts: Summer is here! I have recently gotten back into running outside, because it’s nicer and I’m clumsy, which makes treadmills unreasonably dangerous. The ones at my gym have these VR type videos that you can watch that make it look...


My dearest inexplicable cold spots: Happy Summer!! Is it summer where you live? Here in the land of wind and fog we do have some sun but it’s the ever present sixty degrees. I hope flowers are blooming and the sun is shining where you are. Today we are going off...

Let’s Go to Paris!

My dearest mad hatters: Last month I girded my loins, dove into the EU travel bureaucracy, strapped on a KN94, and went to Paris! For a whole week! It was incredible! I saw plenty of weird shit and I could not wait to get home and write a gothic travelogue for you....

The Salton Sea

My dearest undertakers, It was SKI WEEK last week and we went on a road trip! Here in Northern California Fancy Land, SKI WEEK is a whole week off for private schools. This way, Harley Vixen St. Fauntleroy and her brother CHANCE Q JACKSON THE III can hit Aspen without...

The Ashiest Place on Earth

My dearest hitchhiking ghosts:Welcome to January! The dreariest time of year! How people get through it by denying themselves alcohol for a month is absolutely the fuck beyond me. I feel like we need a light, cheerful lil newsletter right about now, so I skipped body...