Happy Holidays

My dearest Ghosts of Christmas Present: Happy Holidays! Hanukkah has started and Christmas is still two weeks away THANK GOD because I am not prepared. I have a big family and lots of travel and LOTS OF BULLSHIT to attend to INCLUDING a sixteen page spreadsheet to...

Ghosts of the Mission

Intro October is here and you know where there are probably a shitload of ghosts? The Mission District! First of all, that is a very old part of town. It was occupied by Native Americans before the Spanish got here, and then when they did . . . it wasn’t great, was...

Fall has Launched

My dearest demon dogs: Before I launch into today’s completely wild topic, I have a favor to ask! You guys are the most amazing audience. My open and read rates are through the roof – I know you care about this content and that’s the ideal for me: getting this...

Sleep Paralysis

My dearest Night Hags: It’s back to school season, which means prime time for the most tedious of all anxiety dreams: the school related ones. Give me Freddy Kreuger any day over a variation on (1) didn’t study for my test (2) can’t remember my locker combination (3)...


My dearest little green men: Happy August! I hope you have been surviving our Season of Apocalypse, aka the hottest summer on record. Climate Change is here, and she’s pissed! Of course, by “here,” I don’t mean HERE, lol. No heat dome, just the crabbiest clouds and...