Roundup of the Weird

My dearest basement dwelling monsters: Happy Wednesday! I am deep in writing and editing mode for my upcoming series on historic badass and current Pacific Heights ghost MARY ELLEN PLEASANT. There’s a lot to untangle about her life, especially since she kept things...

THEM on Amazon Prime

My dearest ghost cats: It’s April 15 and if you’re in California, YOU ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR A VACCINE. I don’t want to tell you how to live your life (lol I do), but please get this shit so I can take my mask off and go to a fucking bar already. How can I travel the...

The Doodler

My dearest phantom hitchhikers: Spring is here! You know what goes great with tulips, sunshine, lambs, and bunnies? SERIAL KILLERS! 🎉 The San Francisco Chronicle has a fascinating new multi-media project called The Doodler. It’s part web content, part photo essay,...

Irish Folklore

My dearest pixie troublemakers: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! What a time to think about how much we miss being in bars!! I love our American St. Patrick’s Day ridiculousness. First of all there are parades – did you know they  actually started here in the US? In...

Ghost Towns

My dearest phantom hitchhikers:Happy Spring! It’s March, the sun is coming out here in California, and things seem to be improving as we slide into the one-year anniversary of the pandemic.I’ve been thinking about ghost towns lately – metaphorical, emotional and...

Ghostly White Ladies

My Dear Victorian Ghost Children:How y’all holding up? The pandemic is grinding on but here in San Francisco city leaders are back to squabbling about stupid shit like how long we can keep a Ferris Wheel, so seems like nature is healing itself. Also I think we can get...